This article provides a detailed step-by-step guide on how to add a new page to your online shop using the TronShop platform. It explains how to name the page, add content and images, set its validity, and integrate SEO data.
On This Page
Creating New Page
Go to Content > Pages
To enhance your shop with additional content, start by establishing a new page:
Proceed by assigning a name to your new page (for instance, "Test Page") and hit the SAVE button:
Next, select the "..." located at the right side of your freshly made item, and click Edit:
New Page Setting Up
Page URL settings
You're now situated in the Settings tab of your newly formed page.
Enter the relevant data as required, bearing in mind to input the SEO information. You can also determine the duration of its visibility by inputting a "Valid from" and "Valid till" date.
Once the "Valid till" date is reached, the page will cease to appear on your webshop. You also have the option to add a page description and an Open Graph image.
The Open Graph image (OG image) is the picture shown when your website links are shared on social platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. Providing the public URL of the image in your website's meta tags allows social media websites to automatically fetch it.
Proceed to the Images tab. Here you're able to upload a banner. It's important to note that the recommended dimensions are 800x1200px, and the suggested file format is jpeg.
You have the choice to Upload your own banner or Choose from existing images :
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Why settle for ordinary when your brand deserves extraordinary? Let us transform your standard homepage into a masterpiece that captivates every visitor.
If you need further assistance, just Contact our Support team.
Adding Content
Now onto the most crucial step - adding content to your new page. If you're comfortable with HTML, navigate to View > Source code
and input the required code (1), followed by hitting SAVE.
If you're not familiar with HTML, input your text (2), and should you need to incorporate files like images, select Add File (3).
Adding PDF catalog
In addition to text and images, your new page can also feature a PDF catalog.
Follow these steps:
- Click Add file and include the catalog's cover page.
- Hover your mouse over the added cover page and right-click to bring up a small menu.
- From there, click on Link...
- Fill in the catalog's URL, title, and specify Open link in... before saving your changes.
Once the content of your new page meets your satisfaction, click SAVE at the bottom of the page. Then, revisit the Settings tab and select OPEN IN BROWSER to view your new page.
Link contruction
Now, you must construct a link that enables your shop visitors to access this new page.
Navigate to Content > Menu
. and select the suitable menu where you want to incorporate the link. For instance, I opted for the Footer Menu, under the Service & Information section. Then, click on the button labeled ADD NEW LINK situated on the right side of the screen:
Now complete the following:
Internal link (an external link would only be appropriate if you wanted the link to direct to a site external to TronShop, which isn't applicable in this scenario)
Choose the destination of the link, i.e., select the new page you've created, "Test Page" in our example.
Link caption
Input the text of the link that will appear in the Footer Menu under Service & Information section. I named it "Test Page".
Attach link image
Check this box if you want an image (icon) instead of text for the Link caption, and then upload your chosen image.
5. Now hit SAVE...
Verify the link on your webshop to ensure it correctly opens your new page.
If your shop supports multiple languages, you'll need to replicate this process for each language.
Unlock the Magic of Customization
Why settle for ordinary when your brand deserves extraordinary? Let us transform your standard homepage into a masterpiece that captivates every visitor.
If you need further assistance, just Contact our Support team.
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