A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which URLs the crawler can access on your site. This is used mainly to avoid overloading your site with requests; it is not a mechanism for keeping a web page out of Google.
Please proceed with caution and only if you are confident in your knowledge of Robots.txt configurations.
Adjusting the Robots.txt settings can significantly impact your e-shop's performance. This feature is recommended for users who are experienced with Robots.txt configurations.
● Technical Support Charges: If you need help with customizing or troubleshooting a non-default Robots.txt file, please note that our Technical Support will charge for this service.
● Increased Traffic: Changing the default settings can lead to a significant increase in robot traffic. This can affect the overall performance of your e-shop.
● Additional Costs: If the traffic increases beyond normal levels, you may need to scale up resources to maintain system stability. This could result in additional charges.
In your TronShop Admin navigate to Settings>Advanced functions> Robots.txt
Switch the toggle to Unlock Custom Robots.txt Configuration.
In a pop-up window, you will see a confirmation request
By confirming this, you are taking full responsibility for the effects that changes you apply may cause.
After accepting these conditions and pressing OK, the editing field will be enabled.
This field displays the default robots allowed in Tron Shop and functions like a text file, allowing you to make necessary changes.
E.g. You want to open your shop for Ahrefs services.
You would need to add following:
User-agent: Ahrefs
Allow: /
User-agent: AhrefsBot
Allow: /
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
After making the changes, remember to them.
You can also revert to the default settings anytime using
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