Whether you're new to the system or need a refresher on the steps involved, this guide provides a detailed overview of how to interact with the Purchase Orders section of our platform.
By familiarizing yourself with the following procedures and features, you'll ensure a seamless order processing experience.
To navigate to the desired section, please proceed to Orders > Purchase Orders
To access Purchase Orders, you must have TronAPI activated.
Should you require assistance, please reach out to us.
When you select one of the orders, it will display in detail. For this example, we'll look at order W202300000087.
Inside, you'll find various fields providing information about the order. Additionally, you have the capability to monitor the order's status and make necessary adjustments.
1. Control:
- Purchase Order: The serial/control number of the order.
- Send To Supplier: Button to send the order to the supplier.
- Cancel: Button to deactivate or cancel the order.
- State: The current status of the order, indicating if it's ready to be sent.
2. Overview:
- Customer Order: The reference number for the customer's order.
- Created: Timestamp when the order was created.
- Created By: The person who created the order.
- Delivery Date: Expected date for the order's delivery.
- Price ex. VAT: The total cost of the order excluding VAT.
- Contact Name: Name of the primary contact for this order.
- Contact Email: Email address of the primary contact.
- Contact Phone: Phone number of the primary contact.
- Your Identify: Identifier for the user or account.
- Comment: Additional notes or comments about the order.
- Supplier: The name of the supplier or company.
- Method: The method or system used for order creation.
- Order Code: The supplier's reference code for the order.
- Sent: Timestamp when the order was sent.
- Received: Timestamp when the order was acknowledged or received.
- Dispatched: Timestamp when the order was dispatched or sent out.
3. Delivery Address:
- Company: The name of the company or individual receiving the order.
- Name: The name of the person at the delivery address.
- Address 1 & 2: The street address for delivery.
- City: The city of the delivery address.
- Regions: The regional code or identifier.
- State: The state or province of the delivery address.
- ZIP: The postal code for the delivery address.
- Country: The country of the delivery address.
- Delivery Contacts:
- E-mail: The email address for delivery-related communication.
- Phone: The phone number for delivery-related communication.
4. Item:
- Product Name: The name of the product or item ordered.
- Product Code: The unique code or identifier for the product.
- Quantity: The number of items ordered.
- Price Per Piece: The cost of a single item.
- Total Price: The total cost for the quantity of items ordered.
Should you need to modify details within the order, simply click on its number in Overiew once again.
This will take you to a separate page where you have the ability to manage the order.
For a comprehensive understanding, refer to our article titled "Processing Orders (states & payments & deliveries & notifications)."
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