Initial Setup
Domains & redirects & security The setup and configuration of TronShop domains, subdomains, redirection settings, and SSL certificate setup.
Company profile & settings Setting up your profile, basic contact information and ensuring online presence for Your business.
Visual & design Customizing the visual elements of your online shop, including selecting themes, creating a logo, choosing colors, and setting up the layout.
Shop mode & rules & environment TronShop modes, allowing you to set up and customize your online shop according to your business requirements.
Suppliers & pricing policies Information on importing products, setting up new suppliers, price policies, and managing purchase orders through TronAPI.
Deliveries & payments Setting up various aspects of deliveries and payment systems in your online shop. This includes configuring new payment systems, delivery options and regions.
Content & Navigation
Homepage & menus & pages Configuring your online shop's homepage, menus, and pages. Shop's appearance and content, creating a visually appealing and engaging online presence.
Product Categories Managing and customizing categories in your online shop. You will learn about the fundamentals of how categories work, and how to create and edit category settings.
E-mails & templates Manage and customize your email templates, set up your sender email, configure client notifications, and address any questions related to PDF generation.
Custom translations Customize translations for different parts of your shop, also provides guidance on addressing and resolving missing or unavailable translations.
Self-Customization of CSS/JS With this feature, you have the flexibility to make custom design changes and add functionality to your shop, reflecting your unique branding and requirements.
Advanced customizations Section is designed to cater to more complex and advanced customization needs for your online shop.
Product parameters Manage and edit product parameters in your online shop. Easily modify and update product parameters to ensure accurate and detailed information for your products.
Product pricing Setting and managing the prices of your products within your online shop, ensuring accurate and competitive pricing for your customers.
Product codes Management and utilization of unique codes for products in your online shop, ensuring efficient inventory tracking and streamlined order management.
Own products Managing and showcasing your unique products within your online shop, allowing you to add, edit, and organize your inventory with ease.
Product Sorting Arrange and customize the order in which your products are presented in your online shop, optimizing the browsing experience for your customers.
Print price calculator Calculating prices of print products in your online shop, allowing you to provide accurate cost based on quantity, size, paper type, and finishing options.
Virtual sampling Try virtual samples of products before making a purchase, provides a realistic representation of the product's appearance, customization options, or usage scenarios
Other services Additional functionalities for your online shop, including the TronShop API for integration with external systems and integration of other services using custom scripts.
SEO & External Service Setup
SEO Guide Generate sitemaps, integrate with price comparison websites and best practices how to improve the search engine visibility of your online shop. It covers essential SEO optimization techniques to enhance your websites rankings and increase organic traffic.
Google Analytics Integrating Google Analytics with your online shop, allowing you to track and analyze various metrics related to website traffic, user behavior, conversions, and more.
Google Merchant Center Necessary information and instructions to effectively leverage Google's powerful tools and services for your online shop.
Google Search Console Instructions how to generate sitemaps within your online shop and how to connect sitemaps into the Google Search Console service.
Link with Customer logo Enables you to display your customer's logo within your online shop, showcasing their brand and creating a sense of partnership or affiliation.
Banners You can add, edit, and link banners, as well as change the color of scrolling arrows on carousel banners, providing a visually appealing and informative experience for your customers.
Product & Category Collections Enables you to create and organize collections of products or categories in your online shop, facilitating easier navigation and showcasing related items for customers.
Orders & Inquiries & Customers
Manage customers Managing customer information within your online shop. Discounts on a per-customer basis and export customer data in .json or .xml formats.
Manage orders Processing orders, sending order confirmations, managing order data and contacts, handling order items, addressing open carts, and processing customer payments.
Manage inquiries Managing customer inquiries within your online shop. Track, respond to, and manage inquiries from customers, ensuring timely and satisfactory customer support.
Manage purchase orders Handle and track purchase orders within your online shop, ensuring smooth procurement processes and effective communication with suppliers.